
The Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Dayton, Ohio

"AI as a Growth Factor for Civilian and Defense Companies"

In partnership with Technology First, and sponsored by Cox Media and WYSO Radio, Antioch college hosted the Artificial Intelligence Symposium at the Eichelberger Forum in Dayton. Managers and high-tech experts from across southern Ohio gathered for this event, where Jay Tuck addressed AI as "Mankind's Greatest Challenge". He was joined on stage for a panel discussion by research engineer Zahangir Alom from the University of Dayton, Dr. Amy L. Magnus from the US Air Force Institute of Technology and Brandy Foster. The city, home to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, is a center for the defense industry in the midwest.

"Dayton welcomes this dialogue about the implications of AI," said Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley. "What better place than Dayton for Jay Tuck to raise these questions."                                            Foto: Heidi Tuck

Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Leipzig

Keynote addressing Gifted Science Students

Jay Tuck spoke to a group of young and intelligent people as part of the support program for the Advancement of Gifted Students of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Leipzig.

Titel of the seminar was „How AI will change our daily lives.“ A fascinating day with many curious and very smart participants”, Tuck reports.

The following Monday, he continued his travels via Munich to Dayton, Ohio to address the Antioch AI Symposium there. Expected attendance: 2,000 to 3.000.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Data Protection Symposium, Erfurt

AI in Law Enforcement: More Safety? More Danger?

Jay Tuck addressed the government Data Protection Symposium with prosecuters & police, parlamentarians & professors, plus a whole load of students.
Subject was "AI in Law Enforcement – More safety? Or less?". His comments on this controversial subject were widely quoted in the local press.

He spent the night at the Augustina Monastry where Martin Luther once prayed and preached.
Afterwards he travelled on to Leipzig, Germany to address the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Featured on Four US Radio Stations

on KOPN in Columbia, Missouri

In conjunction with his public US event appearances on artificial intelligence, Jay Tuck was a featured guest on several radio talk shows. On Radio KOPN in Columbia, Missouri, Mike Hagan hosted him for a two-hour in-depth discussion live on his technology talk RadiOrbit. In Cincinatti he appeared on WVXU, in Columbus on WOSU and in Yellow Springs on WYSO, National Public Radio NPR.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

IXPO, Bratislava

AI at the Technology and Innovation Playground

Over 3,000 visitors from across Europe gathered in the capital city of Slovakia for this high-level IT entertainment. Leading corporations in IT, gaming and E-sport presented their latest products and innovations at over 60 exhibitions and futuristic displays.

The American AI expert Jay Tuck spoke to the dangerous aspects of Artificial Intelligence as a potential threat to human existence.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

20 years Hamburg@work

Gala Anniversary Keynote

On this day, the renowned networking club Hamburg @ Work celebrated its 20 anniversary, looking back on two decades of provacative and successful work supporting the IT and media companies of the region.

US Security Expert Jay Tuck, and founding member of Hamburg @ Work, was invited as guest - and guest keynote speaker at the event.

Foto: Klaus-Dieter Floegel

Ulrich Timm hosts 30 minutes TV-Interview

In the guest interview program of the German Tagesschau, "Ulrich Timm im Gespräch" US defense expert and book author Jay Tuck was given an opportunity to speak in depth on "Artificial Intelligence".

In the half-hour interview Tuck covered numerous positive aspects of AI in medicine, climate and food supplies, as well as threats eminating from AI.


Artificial Intelligence in Forensics and Police Work

Law Enforcement Conference, Berlin

In the antiterror police work of the previous weeks serious deficiencies of the law enforcement agencies have become obvious.

Although many are political, others - more easily corrected - are technological. Equipment and skills of German authorities lag seriously behind those of neighboring countries like   England and France. 

At this nationwide gathering of law enforcement, US Security Expert Jay Tuck analized the deficits and presented a number of state-of-the-art technologies in u se elsewhere. From the two-and-a-half year investigative research for his book on artificial intelligence, he presented examples. Photo left, he is seen shaking hands with the Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière.

Fotos: Heidi Tuck

Annual Meet of Hamburg's Young Entrepreneurs
Marriott Hotel, Hamburg

At the New Year's Reception 2017 of Hamburg's Young Entrepreneurs (Junge Unternehmer) Jay Tuck delivered a thought-provoking keynote on "Artificial Intelligence and Modern Business."

He spoke to over 200 interested guests. 42 books were sold and signed.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Keynote Speaker in Dubai
Middle East Africa Duty Free Association

At the annual conference of the  Middle East Africa Duty Free Association in the Le Royal Meridian Conference Center in Dubai, Jay Tuck held a visionary speech outlining key issues facing the global economy in the coming year. Titled "Disruptors 2017 - A Journalist's Perspective", the talk of the television journalist, author and US security expert covered unexpected events that could disrupt international business in the coming months. The two-day event was attended by some 500 businessmen in the duty-free airport trade.  A video of his talk, available below, is also featured on the MEADFA website.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Sold out: The Essen Philharmonic

An Event of the WAZ Newspaper and Universitätsklinikum Essen

As first keynote speaker in the WAZ Future Forum series, US defense expert and television journalist Jay Tuck was booked for the opening event.

His subject was the considerable danger presented by artificial intelligence. Over 400 guests attended the event at the Philharmonic Hall in the city of Essen. Following the talk, which was accompanied by exclusive photos and video, participants had an opportunity for questions. Guests remained for over an hour after the original keynote to discuss the controversial topic. After the talk, the author signed copies of his current book "Evolution without us" (Plassen Publishing).

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Sold out:
The Future Symposium of the Goethe University, Frankfurt

In cooperation with the Giordano-Bruno-Foundation and the Ethics Committee of German Industry, the Goethe University of Frankfurt put on a three-day event dedicated to ethics in a future work world.

Every two years the Frankfurter Zukunfts-Symposium will convene to discuss intellectual models and strategies in dealing with autonomous systems. In the opening segment"Apocalypse No", guest speaker Jay Tuck examined the moral and ethical dangers associated with artificial intelligence. The event was attended by a capacity crowd.

Foto: Heidi Tuck
Live Interview on German News Channel N-TV

When German News Television N-TV was looking for an expert on the subject of AI, they contacted Jay Tuck. The American security expert, television producer and book author was broadcast that afternoon.

The live interview was conducted in German.

"Talk 2 Sabine Christiansen":

Sheikhs in Poverty

The Untold History of Abu Dhabi

Also: Arab Media & The Arab Spring - An Update

Cruise Lectures for Hapag-Lloyd

Arabian Gulf, departing Dubai

Venue: Cruise Ship MS Europa 2 / Dubai, UAE to Piraeus, Greece

Qualification: As Founder and CEO of Airtime Dubai Jay Tuck has many years of experience with the region and its history. In an feature documentary, he researched the history and culture of the UAE with many of the country's elders. His film "When the Sheikhs lived in Poverty" included exclusive interviews with leading Sheikhs, exclusive footage of their private residences and never-seen-before historical footage from the early years. The documentary was shown on 3sat, ZDF and ZDFinfo in Europe and will soon be showing on Arabic networks.

Antioch College Guest Lecture, Yellow Springs, Ohio

I as a Threat to Humanity"

Antioch graduate Jay Tuck (Class of '68) returned to his alma mater in Yellow Springs to address professors, students and selected visitors from the region for this event, part of the annual Antioch Reunion festivities.

The event was well-covered by newspapers and three Ohio radio stations.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Jay Tuck

Keynote Speaker . Author . Film Producer

Spring Symposium, Thüringen State Police Erfurt

"Artificial Intelligence - Forensics and Fugitives"

American security expert Jay Tuck spoke today to the Spring Symposium of the LKA State Police in Thüringen. Subject: "Artificial Intelligence in Law Enforcement". Other speakers included the Cybercrime Chief of Europol, the Justice Minister of Thüringen and the President of the German Federal Police Authority Bundeskriminalamt (BKA).

Tuck is often invited to present his AI expertise to law enforcement and armed forces audiences, such as the Bundeswehr Führungsakademie.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Road Show: Aramea Asset Management

Munich / Düsseldorf / Hamburg

On three days in three German cities, the Aramea Asset Management Group presented four investment funds with varying emphasis. The responsible managers for each presented their strategies and emphasis.

Opening remarks were reserved, as Aramea put it, for the "renowned investigative journalist Jay Tuck and his subject "Evolution without Us: Will Artificial Intelligence kill Us?" In his 35 years with German Television Tuck was reporter, war correspondent and executive editor. He researched the subject of AI internationally for over three years.

Foto: Patrick Lux
Insurance.Dialog, BearingPoint

Harbor Club, Cologne

The insurance world is currently undergoing radical change. Is it sufficient to use the tried-and-true products of the past to keep and convince customers and clients? Or must user experience be emphasized more at the interface between insurance provider and customer?

Data and information must be placed at their disposal more rapidly and remain more consistent. In today's world, this is possible with the application of robotics and artificial intelligence. Modern platforms, which can integrate extern partners and processes. At this event, radical ideas, disruptive methods and renowned experts clashed in controversial discussions.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

The Führungsakademie of the German Bundeswehr

Artificial Intelligence in modern Warfare

At the German Military Führungsakademie of the Bundeswehr this one-day symposium on "The Influence of Disruptive Technologies on Modern Security Policy" was held.

Jay Tuck was invited as an AI expert to talk as a guest speaker on the subject "Artificial Intelligence in Modern Warfare".

His remarks were focused solely on the military aspects of AI. He also participated in an expert panel on the subject moderated by Professor Holger Mey.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Diconium Talks, Hamburger Penthouse

Perspectives on the Digital Revolution

Diconium is a service provider for the digital transformation in innovation and strategy, marketing and AI.

At this stunning location with breath-taking view over the heart of the Hamburg harbor, leading German decision-makers gathered to hear different speakers with different perspectives debate the digital revolution.

Jay Tuck approached the subject from a critical perspective.

Foto: Heidi Tuck


Hamburg-US Economic Forum, Hamburg

Humanity, The Future, The Superintelligence

The political education committee of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, in cooperation with the US General Consulate of Hamburg, invited high-level business personalities to the 2018 "Economic Forum Hamburg-USA".

Subject was AI as a disruptive technology in transatlantic business.

Foto: Heidi Tuck
GameChangers, Vienna

2,500 sold out seats

The huge GameChangers Event in the Marx Hall in Vienna with 2,500 sold out seats and some 600 standing guests was put on by Austria's largest television network, the Pro7-SAT1 Group. Keynote time was limited - especially for a complex theme such as Artificial Intelligence. But the event was very professionally organized and the audience was well-informed and very curious.

Foto: Heidi Tuck
Terminator as Vision of the Future

Pro and Contra Artificial Intelligence

Puls4, Austria's largest private broadcaster, presents every week this lively Pro and Contra News Talk.

This week's edition focused on the controversial aspects of AI.

According to the program's Executive Editor, this edition had extraordinary ratings and a robust social media response.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Private Banking Kongress, Munich

Humanity, The Future, The Superintelligence

At their annual summit meeting for wealth managers Rehblau Events held its Private Banking Kongress in Munich. In a successful combination of informative speeches and relaxed networking, the private bankers gathered for the two-day event at Munich's five-star Sofitel. Keynote speaker was Jay Tuck on "Humanity, The Future, The Superintelligence".

Foto: Anna Rauchenberger

Featured by ServicePlan

AI - One of the twelve most urgent themes of 2018

Every year the prestigious German PR agency ServicePlan selects 12 technologies that will have significant influence on our daily lives.

They are published in the large-format magazine "Twelve". In the latest issue 2018 I was chosen on the subject of artificial intelligence - in both the English and German issues.

ServicePlan has offices at 37 locations worldwide.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

TEDx-Talk surpasses 5 Million views
"Artificial Intelligance - Blessing or Curse?"

Today my TED-Talk on Artificial Intelligence passed the 5,000,000 mark. Approval ratings are 4 to 1.

TED is a global innovation conference for visionaries and technology leaders who are given a strict 18 minutes to present their futuristic ideas. In addition to top managers in high technology, this non-profit platform targets universities, libraries and innovators worldwide.

For the Hamburg TEDx event Jay Tuck was invited to explain why he is convinced that AI is a serious threat to our survival.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

Patrizia Investment - Horizonte 2017

Technologie. Welt. Bewegend.

At the historical Hamburger Fischauktionshalle Patrizia Investment hold a gala dinner, which was followed by the Investment Forum 2017. This year's subject was "Technologie. Welt. Bewegend".

Jay Tuck was invited for his keynote.

Gala-Keynote - Deloitte
"Fast 50"

BMW-Doppelkegel, München

At a luxory setting at BMW in Munich, the Deloitte Consulting Group held its annual awards ceremony for the 50 fastest-growing companies in IT, Communications and Life Sciences. The gala event "Fast 50" was held at the  BMW Welt Doppelkugel in Munich. Jay Tuck appeared as keynote speaker.

Foto: Heidi Tuck
Brave New World Event

Leiden University, Holland

Brave New World is an annual conference at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

The prestigious event is focused on people who want to know what to expect from the future and how business,

technology and politics will shape it. Jay Tuck was featured as a guest keynote speaker.

Heise Events: DeWIT
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

The Fair and Networking Event Deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieurtag (DeWIT) was focussed on "Future Interdisciplinary - Think forward".

It was held at the prestigious Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.

Jay Tuck's keynote was held on "The Big Disruptor: Artificial Intelligence".


Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg

Live at N-TV

When Facebook-Chief Mark Zuckerberg and visionary Elon Musk (Tesla, Space-x) openly debated how dangerious Artificial Intelligence is for humanity the television network N-TV called in expert Jay Tuck for an opinion and an explanation.
Summer Church in Schleswig-Holstein

"Artificial Intelligence and God"

The 600 years old church was the venue for the event "Artificial Intelligence and God".

Jay Tuck was invited for his keynote, which was very emotional for the attending guests.

Foto: Heidi Tuck
ServicePlan Gala Opening

House of Communikation, Berlin

At the grande opening of their new Berlin Headquarters on the city's beautiful Museum Island, Jay Tuck presented a keynote address on the market disruptions to be expected from Artificial Intelligence in PR and international business.

Attending were some 400 VIP guests from  the national and international ServicePlan clientel.

Book sales and signatures were handled by Dussmann Books.

Foto: Heidi Tuck

B.A.U.M. e.V. Annual convention 2017

Commerzbank Arena, Frankfurt

As Keynote-speaker on Artificial Intelligence, US top author Jay Tuck addressed the annual convention and award ceremonies of B.A.U.M. in the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt.

Over 400 delegates from across the country were gathered to discuss corporate strategies for sustainability. Tuck addressed three different groups at the event.

Book sales & signatures were organized by the Hugendubel Book Store of Frankfurt.

Foto: Heidi Tuck